About Us

Who We Are

EEPCON is an independent technical services company and has expert knowledge and experience to providing inspection services. Since its EEPCON in 2015, We are a recognized provider of customized services to various industries, including power generation, chemical and petrochemical, oil & gas and other high risk industries.

With the help of our skilled and qualified human capital as well as state of the art and modern inspection equipment With our expertise, we are more than capable to support our customers throughout the project cycle. As a socially responsible corporate citizen, we always focus on environmentally friendly operations, ethical business practices and our responsibility towards local communities.

Our professional staff and representatives maintain a quality standard and they operate with total integrity at all times. They are supported by qualified senior management. We ensure that all clients benefit from the professional and prompt completion of each assignment.

We aim to promote culture of learning and leadership. We encourage open communication among employees and endeavor to translate this shared vision into the hearts and minds of our people. Professionalism and team work are the core values the guide our work ethic as they lead to success and continuous improvement